More than 10 officers from the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji and the Republic of Fiji Navy are currently undergoing training on International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Casualty Investigation. The IMO legal framework provides a common and consistent approach for States to adopt, in the conduct of marine safety investigations
IMO recognizes the importance of marine safety investigations, further classified into marine casualties and marine incidents, this to prevent reoccurrence and pollution and also to promote maritime safety. IMO encourages full cooperation between States in the conduct of investigations, the recognition of mutual interest and the exchange of information regarding investigations.
In this regard, MSAF is pleased to mention the Memorandum of Understanding it has with the Fiji Navy recognising navy personnel to assist as investigator, hence the need to have naval officers trained to this code.
We are fortunate to have such competent trainers from local investigation bodies such as Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) in Australia the premier Transport investigator in Australia in no blame investigator, MSAF would also like to acknowledge the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) in New Zealand and all other further afield international flag States.
Most flag states now have independent safety investigators and we will look into how the Island Flags such as Fiji may move forward with these concepts to assist at regional level, this training begins that process.
In the spirit of celebration, it is encouraging to mention that the training has several female officers attending whilst celebrating International Women’s Day 2021. We thank the CEO of Fiji Maritime academy in providing the venue for this training.