- This Marine Notice serves to inform all relevant stakeholders that the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (the Authority) will be carrying out audits of ships and their companies from January 2023 for the purpose of compliance with the International Safety Management system (ISM Code) and the MARITIME (SAFE SHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS) REGULATION 2014 (the SSMS Regulations).
- The audit will be carried out on all relevant ships and its respective companies pursuant to Regulations 4, 5, 9, & 11 of the SSMS Regulations. This audit will continue for approximately six (6) months until all eligible ships and respective shipping companies are audited. The Authority may deem to extend or limit the period of audit subject to its discretion and assessment of the audit progress during this period.
- The relevant ship owners/companies and ship Masters are hereby put on notice that full compliance is warranted pursuant to the SSMS Regulations. The Authority may utilize any of its powers available under the law to fully enforce the ISM Code, for the scrutiny of the Ships Safety Management System and the Standard Operating Procedures onboard ships pursuant to the SSMS Regulations.
- Relevant Ships and Shipping companies will be contacted individually on their scheduled audit dates, within the designated period commencing from January 2023 onwards for six (6) subsequent months.
- For further clarification, please contact Manager Ships Inspection Captain Sesoni Komaisoso on mobile 9981219 or email skomaisoso@msaf.com.fj or MSAF Manager Qualification and Licensing Mr Joseph Williame on mobile 9926672 or email jwilliame@msaf.com.fj
December 5th 2022