- All Port States, Ship Owners, Operators, Ship Agents, Pilots, Masters and crews are hereby advised that the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (MSAF) is further extending the duration of the following Maritime Documents:
- Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) certificates;
- STCW Short Courses; and
- Medical Certificates
2. Further to Marine Notice 14/2021 and Marine Notice 26/2021, all STCW certificates issued by MSAF, inclusive of relevant endorsements that are expiring from 10 February 2021 to 10 August 2021 will be further extended to 10 February, 2022.
3. This arrangement is put in place to enable Ship owners and Masters to permit seafarers with these expiring Maritime documents as listed above, to continue performing their duties.
4. Ship owners, Operators and Seafarers need not apply to MSAF for such extension. However, the onus is on the ship operator to facilitate crew changes within the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) agreement. Manning Agencies and Shipping Companies are required to submit the list of their crew member(s) whose certificates have been extended pursuant to this Notice. This shall be communicated via email at info@msaf.com.fj as per the attached template in Annexure 1.
5. Seafarers are further reminded that upon application for revalidation of STCW certificates, new certificate will be issued for a period of five years, effective from the date the original certificate expires.
6. MSAF is currently working in collaboration with the Fiji Maritime Academy (FMA) to facilitate e-learning module and virtual classes.
7. This Notice supersedes and revokes Marine Notices 14/2021 and 26/2021.
8. For further information, please contact Sesoni Komaisoso (Manager Ships Inspection) on email address skomaisoso@msaf.com.fj or Mobile No. 9981219 or Shaleen Lata (Acting Manager Qualification & Licensing) on email: slata@msaf.com.fj or Mobile No. 9904189.
3 September 2021
Annexure 1
The Chief Executive Officer
Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji
Dear Sir
Hereunder is/are the name(s) of the crew member(s) of (Name of company) whose Certificate of Competency/ Certificate of Proficiency (CoC/CoP) have been extended pursuant to MSAF Marine Notice 34/2021 dated 3 September 2021.
Name of Seafarer | CoC/CoP Number | Name of Ship | Name of Ship-owner/operator | Crew Exchange Date for Seafarer |
For your information and reference
(Name and Signature of the Authorized official and Company Stamp)