MN 8/2020
1. All Ship Masters, Ship Owners & Ship Agents for foreign & local ships, Pilots, Port Management Companies/Operators, Marinas and Yacht Clubs are advised of the approaching Tropical Cyclone HAROLD.
2. Tropical Cyclone HAROLD Centre Pressure 930HPA Category 5 was located near 15.4 South 166.2 East at 05/1800 UTC. Position is GOOD. Tropical Cyclone HAROLD is moving East at 6 knots. Expect sustain winds of 110 knots close to the centre. Strong wind warning remains in force for all Fiji waters.
3. All stakeh olders are required to take necessary precautionary measures to keep your ships/boats safe.
2. Any action taken must not pose undue risk to other ships within the sheltering area.
4. All Masters are advised to take early action and preventative measures based on good professional decision combined with observance of good seamanship practice to ensure the ship under their command is made safe.
5. Masters must listen to all marine weather bulletins and updates issued from the Fiji Meteorological Office (www and transmitted through Suva Coast Radio Station (3DP) and the local radio stations.
6. Ship Master i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h t h e S h i p O w n e r must take all necessary action to keep their ship safe at all times.
7. Ship owners must provide all necessary support to masters of their ships to ensure the ship is kept safe.