In accordance with Regulation 20 of the Maritime (Navigation Safety) Regulations 2014, all Ship Owners/Operators, Masters, Seafarers and the General Public are advised that Filming will take place in the Mamanuca Group from 17 April to 10 June, 2021 at the following locations:
Location Areas
Monu Riki Island Southwest side
Tavua Island (Vua, One & Dawa Beach) Northeast to Southwest side
Monu Island East side
Nautanivono Island (Yadua Is)
Mana Island
A 24-hour Exclusion Zone is approved for the above locations to SEG HOLDCO, LLC – Fiji Branch.
All ships are required to give wide berth of at least 1.5 nautical miles from the shores of the respective beaches/Islands and avoid the above areas from 17th April to 10th June 2021.
This notice is not applicable to the Fiji Navy ships, Maritime Police, Pilot ships, Tug and other ships required to attend to undertake emergency response, or in case of ship emergencies requiring safe refuge at the respective islands.
Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji
1st April 2021