This Marine Notice draws the attention of vessel owners, operators, masters, crews, pilots and the public about the requirements for accident, incident or mishap reporting.
MSAF is introducing monthly reports that are published on our website to gain leading indicators of what is occurring in the industry in order to properly respond. We encourage all persons to report.
As such MSAF has created the below severity category to identify differences of accidents & incidents;
1. A very serious marine casualty means a marine casualty involving the total loss of a ship or person or a death or severe damage to the environment. The stranding or disabling of a ship, or the involvement of a ship in a collision causing material damage to marine infrastructure external to a ship, that could seriously endanger the safety of the ship, another ship or an individual, material damage to a ship.
2. A serious marine casualty is an event or sequence of events that occurred directly or in connection with the operation of a ship but does not qualify as a very serious marine casualty. Including any event which has the consequence to be hazardous or to have serious consequences.
3. A serious injury means an injury which is sustained by a person, resulting in incapacitation where the person is unable to function normally for more than 72 hours, commencing within seven days from the date when the injury was suffered.
4. A severe damage to the environment means damage to the environment which, as evaluated by the State(s) affected, or the Flag State, as appropriate, produces a major deleterious effect upon the environment.
5. Minor injuries (none of the above) may require first aid treatment on the vessel. Crew/Passengers are able to continue on the vessel without taking time off.
We will publish monthly summary reports and will aim to publish a more in-depth report every six (6) months. To assist the accuracy of these reports and help industry in its compliance we will be asking operators to send MSAF their monthly Incident Register to ensure we capture all incidents.
Maritime Transport Act S19 Recording of accidents, incidents and mishaps
19. Every employer of seafarers on a Fiji ship shall maintain, in a form approved by the Chief Executive Officer, a register of accidents, incidents, and mishaps and shall record in the register particulars relating to—
(a) every accident or incident; and
(b) every mishap.
We don’t believe that asking for these registered incident reports to be emailed through is a burden since it is already a requirement and operators are also required to review their incidents and accidents. Operators without any incidents can simply respond to the ‘incidents@msaf.com.fj’ email the name of the vessel and month reporting and ‘Nil Incidents’. From here MSAF will adjust as necessary the reports required to be received and concentrate on the areas needing improvement versus those needing education campaigns.
Why do we need these reports and registers?
We use this information to determine whether a series of incidents such as collision with other vessels, wharves and grounding– although seem unrelated- may have a significant /related underlying issue such as engine failure or lack of proper maintenance. This leads to causal factors being identified for immediate rectification.
We encourage a positive reporting culture as this informs the regulator of issues and allows the regulator to look into leading indicators, planning the use of our resources, recommending improvements and education programs for the maritime industry. To clarify, reporting is to be made within 24 hours of the incident in a local port.
Fiji Maritime Code
14.22 (1) The master and owner of a ship shall report to the Chief Executive Officer as prescribed by this regulation any accident, incident or mishap, occurring on their ship. The master shall submit a written report of the accident, incident or mishap within 24 hours of such occurrence for a ship in port, and, within 24 hours after the first arrival at a port, for a ship at sea.
International vessel will need to inform the Port State in advance of arrival per IMO Resolution 1052(27) provision 2.3.7 states that if a Master advises his Administration, Class and local Port State Authorities of a deficiency that has, or may, impact the vessel’s seaworthiness, that deficiency should not be considered as grounds for detention, unless the ship intends to sail with the deficiency un-addressed.
Note: Penalties can apply for not complying with these requirements.
Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji
15th February 2021