Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji [MSAF] with the Fiji College of General Practitioners [FCGP] have reviewed the medical requirements for seafarers and wish to announce changes to medical examinations.
For Boat Master Licenses and up to Restricted Master/Engineer Class 6 Full, these examinations can be conducted by any registered medical practitioner at any medical centre in Fiji.
For qualifications above this level, the MSAF approved STCW doctors will be required. Candidates will no longer be required to attend a MSAF office to receive the medical paperwork to undertake the medical examination. They will be able to choose from the approved list, make an appointment with the relevant Doctor and if they meet the standard, they will be issued a medical certificate from the doctor. The doctor will send a copy to MSAF for seafarer’s file.
To assist in improving access to these services, MSAF is now asking for an expression of interest [EOI] for any Fiji registered medical practitioner and optometrist who wishes to be recognized by the MSAF. The Application form can be downloaded from MSAF website and to be emailed to Once the applications are received, the Fiji Medical board will be conducting an audit/assessment of the facilities subject to MSAF requirements.
Medical practitioners and optometrist that will be approved and recognized by the MSAF will be provided with a medical package inclusive of:
- Maritime (STCW Convention) Regulations 2014;
- MSAF Medical Standard;
- MSAF Medical Certificate booklet.
Application closes on 23rd August 2021. For further information, please contact Ms Shaleen Lata on e-mail: or phone 3315266, Extension 1127 or on mobile 9904189.
9 August 2021